sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Los Magos de las piraguas!

La tribu de segundo de los viernes son Los Magos de las piraguas! Aquí los tenéis. Una maravilla de máscaras, no hace falta más palabras.

2 comentarios:

  1. I don't speak Spanish, but hopefully you understand enough English for my question. I"ve been following these masks posts, and they are all phenomenal. My one question is: how do they stay on? (How are they attached in the back?) Can you explain, or show us a photo of the backside of one of these masks? Thanks, and BRAVO!

  2. Phyl,
    the masks are made of cardboard and they are subject with a rubber thread from recycled cardboard folders. Simply you have to stapling the rubber thread to the mask and voilà!
    Thanks and big hug,
    Cristina :)
